deborahSpotlight team
Jamaris Cook
Email Marketer | DSL Team
The world is full of people who “help” those who are less fortunate, but they…
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…only do it for brownie points and the blue notes. These people are so blinded by their wealth, projects, and desires that their help is often shallow. I believe Deborah has been creating significant changes in her area and she’s doing it all for the right reasons. So working with Deborah and the rest of the team, it a great opportunity for me to help those who are struggling to rise out of situations similar to mine.
Kerri Farley
Event Coord. | DSL Team
My name is Kerri Farley, and I chose to intern with deborahSpotlight because…
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…I live in the importance of lifting up unheard voices and empowering people to make a change.
Roxanna Reynoso
Administrator | DSL Team
I chose to volunteer for Deborah Spotlight because I want to be part of the mission…
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…that emphasizes on hearing directly from the people of the resources they need to thrive and make a difference in their communities and lives. It is important to pay your blessing forward and establish a cycle of kindness.
deborahSpotlight team
Gabriel Webb
Web Designer | DSL Team
I chose to volunteer with Deborahspotlight is to address the…
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…issues I know are important. I feel that I can help make a difference in peoples’ lives. I enjoy the work I do here to support change and meet our organization’s goals and the vision of Ms. Matthews. My commitment to this organization and the work for social will be 1year……and maybe more
Mariah Harris
Administrator | DSL Team
I am a current grad student steadily making my way through a business…
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…degree and shaping myself as an individual who seeks to inspire and empower others. Our communities are so important and made up of so many different values, interests and inspirations. As a young woman, it has been so fundamental in my life that we spend our time building each other up when there is so much that tries to tear us down. I strive to give back to those around me and am thoroughly dedicated to making sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to have their unique voice heard. I highly value the importance of community engagement and education and that is a major reason I wanted to get involved with Deborah Spotlight. With so much on the line, I am excited to be volunteering to help make sure everyone is informed and inspired and can make a plan to have their voice heard.
Evan Torres
Web Designer | DSL Team
I have chosen to volunteer for DSL because I admire the missions of…
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…the organization. I value community care and social/economic justice, and I have participated in humanitarian aid clubs that share those values. I also have a strong passion in STEM and I wanted to apply my skills in that field to a setting where my values are emphasized, so DSL was a great choice for that.
deborahSpotlight team
Jocelyn Ransome
Public Policy | DSL Team
With seven years of professional experience in the field of remote…
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…executive administration, I have accrued a consistent history of supporting corporate level executives, both professionally and voluntarily. and developed a high regard and interest in corporate law. My adventures in studying law in personal study, and my fascination with business, have driven my interest in working with deborahSpotlight community organization.
Toan Nguyen
Graphic Design | DSL Team
My name is Toan Nguyen I am an artist of many different flavors and talents…
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…I chose to intern for deborahSpotlight because I wanted my art to speak to Social Justice issues like racial equality, gender equality and homelessness. As a Mixed American, I have seen that this nation needs a social and political shift to become more inclusive of those around us. I hope to gain experience in the field of design and look forward to working with a team that shares my beliefs for the future.
Amanda Clegg
Writer | DSL Team
Greetings everyone, my name is Amanda Clegg and I am currently finishing up…
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…my undergraduate degree at Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Science in Political Science. DeborahSpotlight is an organization full of people more individuals should strive to be like. Surrounded by like-minded go-getters who seek justice for society and creating a nation that is democratic and free is the most empowering thing one can do. The message and goals of this non-profit are truly amazing and I am excited to be a part of it.
deborahSpotlight team
Erica Escoe
Writer | DSL Team
I decided to volunteer for DeborahSpotlight because I believe…
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…marginalized voices deserve to be heard and rightfully acknowledged. DSL’s mission aligns with my values and aims to highlight these voices as well as making people aware of social and economic injustices that they would have previously been oblivious to. I want to aid DSL by doing whatever I can to assist in the creation of a community where everyone has a seat at the table.
Sarah Fuller
Research | DSL Team
I chose to volunteer for DSL because DSL gives a platform to young voices that…
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…allows them to speak on issues that are important both locally and globally. I believe that political advocacy is necessary to ensure that basic human rights are being protected. Additionally, I believe that everyone is capable of contributing to the betterment of our society for the future, whether that be through political advocacy or increased political knowledge. DSL builds a community that fosters political engagement by fighting for economic and social justice.
Deodatus Marcellino
Web Designer | DSL Team
I hope that by working with DSL, I will be able to hone my professional skills and…
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…learn more about what it takes to work in a team environment. I am thankful for the opportunity to be part of this organization and I am excited to work with the team!
deborahSpotlight team
Caren Chopra
Writer | DSL Team
I chose to volunteer for DSL because I want to give a voice to issues that are…
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…not as apparent in the mainstream media. DSL builds a community that elevates young voices, such as myself, to speak on issues that range from local communities to global matters. I plan on using this platform to share content that draws in readers and makes them question their own role in their communities, wherever that may be. I am currently pursuing a degree at The George Washington University in Washington, DC. As a student studying Political Science and Criminal Justice, the opportunity to use the platform of DSL through my writing allows me to reach out to readers and, hopefully, make a difference. Being an immigrant myself is what first pushed me towards my passion for wanting to be a voice for underrepresented communities and pushing for change; DSL does exactly that by aiming to fight for economic and social justice.
Mayeso Mazengera
FundRaiser | DSL Team
A person at a time. I live in China and appreciate virtually working…
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…with deborahSpotlight. We celebrate men and women all around the world whose courage was able to inspire entire generations and bring social change. We remember these brave souls as people who lead movements, we hail them modern day heroes. What we are really lauding is groups of people who cared about others as much as they did themselves. The boldness of love for others that required work. The type of devotion to community that made it impossible for them to ignore the underrepresented and underserved. They were simple men and women who cared enough to simply do something. They were supported by people who felt the same and were able to organize and come together to fight the good fight. Change is never brought on by a single person but a collection of people who come together to do what they can with what they have. DSL is a community of people that tries to bring change where they can in small but certainly not inconsequential ways. It is a culture of people that seek to encourage and equip members in the community who are often left out. It is not a huge call to bring about extreme changes, but believes in investment in people. One changed man, is a changed world for they are part of it. DSL believes in bringing change one person at a time. DSL seeks to provide help in housing education, financial wellness as well as job training for the underemployed, unemployed and formerly incarcerated. DSL is an open invitation to those who do want to make a difference with what they have and opens its arms to all members of the society to find a place to be involved as we make the world more of a home for all of us. DSL is where we all have a place in the great tapestry of life.
Jodie Masteller
Writer | DSL Team
My name is Jodie Masteller and I am a journalist. I love to ask questions and…
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…find the answers, and journalism gives me that outlet. My fingers are more eloquent than the words that come out of my mouth, so writing is my outlet.
deborahSpotlight team
April Emerich
Administrator | DSL Team
Emma Franke
Writer | DSL Team
Jordan Allen
Writer | DSL Team
deborahSpotlight team
Christeen P. Flavien
Web Designer | DSL Team
Nathan Crackerian
Writer | DSL Team
I am very interested in helping to organize communities for the sake of…
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… helping people understand their area better and allow them the opportunity to take advantage of it to the greatest extent. In my experience, I have missed out on a lot of events because I simply wasn’t aware of their existence. I think it is vital that people get to know their community and work together on various projects to meet community goals. I hope that through focused blogging and journalizing, I can bring light to local problems.
I became interested in volunteering/interning for Deborah’s…
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…Spotlight because I am passionate about ending violence against women and this seemed like a great opportunity to channel that passion. I like that this organization focuses on empowerment by creating an environment where everyone thrives and giving a voice to those would not have had the opportunity in any other space. I also love coordinating events and I am looking forward to helping organize future events that support the mission of Deborah’s Spotlight. Overall, I am excited to bring 10 years of practical and research experience in domestic and sexual violence to Deborah’s Spotlight.
deborahSpotlight team
Ningxin Yang
Writer | DSL Team
Hi, my name is Ningxin Yang and I am a sophomore studying International…
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…Studies and Applied Mathematics at Johns Hopkins University. Born and raised up in China for the first 17 years of my life, I have witnessed so many times that people keep fighting hard for what has been taken granted here in the United States. Events taking place around me have always provoked me to think a lot, adding in my past experience of growing up in a totally different world and traveling in over 20 countries. I want to share my thoughts on what is going on in my community as well as in the world and DeborahSpotlight provides me with the best platform to do so. I truly resonate with the goal of “creating a community where the unfamed sheroes/heroes voices are heard”. And I firmly believe that through actively seeking for the exchange and debates of ideas, we can better understand what is going on around us as well as ourselves.
Raina Sciocchetti
Writer | DSL Team
I volunteer because I care. I hold the well being of this planet and the…
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…people here in high regard. As a current student at Unity College, America’s Environmental College, I view meaningful work as of the utmost priority. George Bernard Shaw once famously said, “Life isn’t about finding yourself. It’s about creating yourself.” It is my intention to create myself while also being engaged with the real world, conscious of the injustices in this reality, and committed to working towards a better future. Ultimately, I aspire to use my passion for creation and for the arts to be a positive contribution to this world, so I am here, writing for this worthy cause.
Cassandra Zuria
Web Designer | DSL Team
deborahSpotlight team
Nichole Chandler
Videographer | DSL Team
Eric’s car sputters, he manages to pull over before it dies. He tries the…
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… ignition. Nothing. Frustrated, he hits the wheel and runs his hand through his hair. He pops open the glove compartment and freezes. A small bag of white powder sits there, inviting him in. Eric leans back, staring at the bag. He runs his fingers through his hair again and looks back. His guitar case sits in the back seat. He grabs it and exits the car. He makes it two feet before turning back, opens the passenger’s door and grabbing the bag as well. He pockets it and sets off down the street. A musical note RINGS out making Eric pause. He looks back toward the car and over a steep hill leading into the woods. The musical note RINGS out again follow by a little girl’s LAUGH
Daniel Hyland
Administrator | DSL Team
From a young age, the inequalities in life have been readily apparent to me…
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… Almost as soon as I recognized them, I wanted to do my part in helping correct them. Community First is the next step in this goal of mine. I want to do my part to help individuals in need wherever they may be. In volunteering my time to better the lives of other, I can help relieve the burden that others may struggle under and ultimately do my part in brightening the future of this country.
Madison Vranish
Writer | DSL Team
deborahSpotlight team
Brooke Jackson
Adminstrator | DSL Team
From a young age, the inequalities in life have been readily apparent to me…
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… Almost as soon as I recognized them, I wanted to do my part in helping correct them. Community First is the next step in this goal of mine. I want to do my part to help individuals in need wherever they may be. In volunteering my time to better the lives of other, I can help relieve the burden that others may struggle under and ultimately do my part in brightening the future of this country.
Devorah Levy-Pearlman
Writer | DSL Team
“Involving yourself in the community means taking that extra step…
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… — beyond just observing the issues from the outside, it means putting yourself intimately in the center of change. As a student activist studying Politics, I’m excited to be apart of a project that places itself right at the forefront of social progress. Writing helps me feel connected with others, and as a platform it gives myself and other writers the freedom to analyze, critique, and ultimately push our communities towards a future that better reflects our values.”
Kai Shi
Web Designer | DSL Team
deborahSpotlight team
Jason Wang
Research | DSL Team
I wanted to join the DSL team to help locals from the San Francisco Bay…
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…Area reach a better understanding of real estate, to address critical issues of structural segregation and homelessness, and to advocate equal opportunities for homeownership. Through volunteer projects, I aim to help financially empower low-income individuals and those at risk of homelessness in an effort to achieve fair housing and personally refine my research, analytical, and technical skills. I hope my work regarding these issues will positively impact individuals in the community and promote equality to the future of housing.
Cathy Huang
Financial Team | DSL Team
Sepe Rafiei
Videographer | DSL Team
deborahSpotlight team
Estelle Faulkner
writer | DSL Team
Cynthia Martinez
Graphic Design | DSL Team
I decided to volunteer as an intern for your company in order to get the…
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…experience of creating, designing and sharing my works. I think it will be a great journey to be able to share my knowledge and also learn from you.
Adrianna Garcia
Event COoRD. | DSL Team
deborahSpotlight team
Hannah Lang
Graphic Design | DSL Team
Monica Meza
Admin. Assistant | DSL Team
I think Deborah Spotlight is a great non-profit organization because it covers…
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…real life issues such as homelessness, housing, community, etc. Some of these issues have a stigma to it and I think it’s important to break those stigmas and bring light to these issues. I think if we as a team work together, we can really make a difference to make the world a better place. The reason why I want to volunteer with this organization is these issues are also present where I live, and nationwide. I want to come up with solutions.
Nicole Chandler
Videographer | DSL Team
Video Production is my passion in life. As a creative writer and video editor, I…
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… want to create visual stories that connect emotionally with audiences is a satisfying way for me to engage people. I am an escapist, so fantasy and other world stories have always sparked my interest. I have decided to volunteer to help keep my skills filmmaker sharp. What better way to do that than to give back to the community and assist with building an online visual presence. In addition, I have volunteered to learn. How can I improve while I create? The world of Video Production technology is always expanding and changing. If I want to keep up with it I have to be surrounded by it.